Oct 5, 2012

To China: Tracking My Way

Here we are, in the middle of Beijing for not even a week now. Inspired by DCRainmaker's Review I ultimately wanted to try the Suunto Ambit on our flight to Beijing. So I did track it right from the gate to somewhere deep into Russia by having the watch positioned close to our emergency exit row window. By doing so, the GPS signal was clear and the Ambit did a great job (see pics). Additionally, as we had the feeling it was quite colder during this flight than usually, I was able to check the Ambits Temp data, showing only some 11degrees Celcius in it's tracking position near the window. Fortunately, we got offered really warm blankets that kept us warm and cosy.

Departure from the Gate

Flight tracking

Somewhere over the West Siberian, I did a double check on our flight direction (I did definitely trust the pilot, but just wanted to be sure ;-)), again the Ambit helped out, and showed us flying directly eastwards. Perfect, so I could sleep calmly.

Going Eastwards

Finally, approaching Beijing city, I really was interested on the incoming plane's route (it seemed we were flying right round the city in the south), so I quickly tracked the approach and landing, and was proven right.

Approaching Beijing

On our flight to Beijing, the Ambit has proven to be much more than just a training or Mountaineering device. And I'd did so further on the streets and even waters of Beijing! (stay tunes for me to follow up on that)

Greetings, Steve

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